What to do in quarantine: cool ideas for home entertainment

What to do in quarantine: cool ideas for home entertainment
07:24, 14 April 2020
2 746

Try an online workout

Down with passive lifestyle! Of course, you cannot walk ten thousand steps inside the apartment, but still don’t lust lie or sit on the couch. Install a couple of home workout apps on your phone, such as "30 day Fitness plan" or "Yoga club" and try doing some exercises. You can also find video tutorials on YouTube or compete with your friends during a video call to see who will do more pushups or stay in the bar longer. Just don't take it seriously: your goal is not to get injured, but just to be more active.

What to do in quarantine: cool ideas for home entertainment

Do some meditation

Quarantine is a good opportunity to keep quiet and start meditating. You can do this yourself or download a guided meditation app, which usually has a free trial period.

One of the simplest forms of meditation is body scanning. Lie on your back, close your eyes, and focuse on body parts in turn, feeling it from the top of your head to your heels.

Learn to draw

Creativity is the best thing that saves you from boredom, gives you inspiration and good mood. Imagine how nice it is to frame and proudly hang the result of your work on the wall/ It can be, for example, a picture of your favorite pet or a landscape.


Even if you still work as usual, you no longer need to spend time on the road to and from the office, as well as on the morning routine, which means you can wake up later and go to bed earlier. In a couple of weeks you can overcome your eternal lack of sleep and have a good rest!

Arrange a marathon of TV shows and films

You can watch movies and TV series for free during quarantine: most online services provided subscribers with free access to their content for the entire quarantine period.

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