Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!
06:52, 05 November 2019
3 065

Could finding the perfect shade of lipstick help you in finding the perfect man?
Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

Definitely! Lips are a prominent feature on the face. What other facial feature can demand more notice than soft, sensual, voluptuous lips?

While he is looking at your mouth, envisioning kissing those soft, sensual curves, you are snagging a place in his memory. What better way to hold a man's interest than to capture his libido and hold it in limbo?
Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

Is he going to want to kiss lips that glare out at him from a delicate face or run from them before they snap at him? Will the man of your dreams find himself drawn to lips that seem to beckon him with their delicately shaded vibrancy? Can any man resist a woman with lips that seem to say: Kiss me darling. I am yours?
Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

Finding the perfect shade of lipstick is as important as finding the perfect outfit. Your lipstick is a major part of the personal statement you make through your fashionable appearance. Everyone notices the perfectly dressed woman with the perfectly shaded lips and envies her.

Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

How do you discover the perfect shade of lipstick? Sometimes, it takes a little trial and error to find the shades that compliment your skin tone. A good place to start is at the cosmetic counter of almost any mid to high-level department store. Free makeovers are a staple of their day and give you the benefit of the expertise of their cosmeticians. Even though the goal of giving the makeover is to get you to make a purchase, the result is the discovery of several different shades that you can wear with self-confidence.

Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

Whether it is red, pink, brown, or somewhere in between, the ease with which you put on your lipstick reflects the confidence you have in the shade you have selected. This, in turn, is reflected in the way that you carry yourself. This is what gets you noticed.

Not only have lipsticks been perfected to color our lips provocatively, but also they have been perfected to offer them protection from the elements. Lipsticks keep our lips soft, moist, supple, and noticeable.

Sexy Kiss Me Lips - Pucker Up and Kiss Me Darling!

In general, remember:

Muted colors (purples and browns) are better to tone down large lips.
Light colors work best for thin lips.

Remember that putting on lipstick can be as easy as putting on a happy face! So, put a little razzle and dazzle in your life by putting a little sparkle of color on your lips!
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